Who We Are:
Sequoia Landscaping, Inc. is a full service commercial landscape contractor in the state of New Mexico that has been in business since September 2003. We are HUBZone and SDB certified with NMDOT. Sequoia Landscaping is licensed, insured and bonded company with aggregate surety bond Capacity of $5 million single contract and 10 million aggregates.
What We Do:
Sequoia Landscaping, Inc. designs installs and maintains commercial projects throughout the state of New Mexico. Working closely with our clients we provide field technicians, tools and equipment to perform any landscape projects, from the design to, expediting owner’s approval process with cost effective solutions through installation and maintenance.
In the last 6 years we started our Natural Resources and Land Management Services for storm disaster debris clean up and hauling, right-of-way and easement management, road grading, site work clearing and grubbing, fire natural disaster rehabilitation, forest thinning and fuels reductions, reforestation and land reclamation, mowing and seeding, invasive species and pest control. We had a successful past performance with Army Corp of Engineers (USACE), Sandia National Laboratories, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Loa Alamos National Labs (LANL), Cannon Air Force Base, Kirtland Air Force Base (CAFB), Holloman Air Force Base (HAFB), and others.
Projects completed 2016/2017:
NMDOT Hwy 6 Beautification Project, Los Lunas, NM
Sandia National Laboratories Bldg 765 Landscaping, Sandia National Labs., NM.
Sandia National Laboratories Bldg. 905 Landscaping, Sandia National Labs., NM.
KAFB Bldg 442 Landscape upgrades, Kirtland AFB, NM.
KAFB Bldg 592 Repair Event Area, Kirtland AFB, NM.
CAFB Accessible Playground, Cannon AFB, Clovis, NM.
CAFB Accessible Community Park, Cannon AFB, Clovis, NM.
USACE Middle Rio Grande Oxbow 3-A, Fuel reduction, native grass seeding, Albq. NM.
USACE Galisteo Salt Cedar Mastication and Revegetation native grass seeding, Santa FE Co., NM.
USACE Cochiti Dam tree/weeds/cattails removals & restoration, Cochiti, NM.
CAFB Military Family Housing, Cannon AFB, Clovis NM.
USACE Santa Clara Pueblo, reforestation, tree planting, Santa Clara Pueblo, NM.
HAFB Play grounds, Holloman AFB, NM.
CAFB Military Family Housing Amenities, Cannon AFB, Clovis NM.
LANL OTOWI Building, design-Built Landscape Project, Los Alamos Nat. Labs., NM
LANL Design-Built LID Project, Los Alamos Nat. Labs., NM
LANL Design-Built pedestrian/bicyclists pathway, Los Alamos, NM.
Eastdale LL Landscaping, City of Albuquerque, NM.
Sandia National Laboratories Grounds Maintenance, Sandia Nat. Labs., NM.
Las Vegas Municipal Schools Grounds Maintenance, Las Vegas, NM.
USACE Middle Rio Grande Recreational Restoration Site, Albuquerque, NM.
& others.
Projects completed 2013/2015:
Albuquerque Public Schools, On Call Landscape/pay ground areas
Cannon Air Force Base Dorms Xeriscape/Landscape Project
Cannon Air Force Base Chavez Park and Green Zone, Clovis, NM.
Cannon Air Force Base Quadrant Avenue Xericscaping, Clovis, NM.
Cannon Air Force Base Arcadia Ave. & Chavez Park Trail/walking path, Clovis, NM.
Cannon Air Force Base DV Quarters and Bldg. 1 landscaping, Clovis, NM.
City of Albuquerque Academy Medians Landscaping with 2 years maintenance
City of Albuquerque On Call Prototype Medians Landscaping FY-11A, with 2-year maintenance
City of Albuquerque On Call Prototype Medians Landscaping FY-08A, with 2-year maintenance
LANL Radiological Lab Utility and Office Building Landscaping, with 2 years maintenance
USACE, LANL Lay Down Yard stabilization, Los Alamos National Laboratories, NM.
General Mills Plant, Grounds Management & xeriscape conversion, 6-year maintenance contract
SNL Sterilization, Weed Control, Structural Pest Control, Soil Stabilization contract
SNL Bldg. 905, Robotics, Sandia Nat. Labs. Albuquerque, NM.
SNL K Ave. and 18th. Street detention pond, Sandia Nat. Labs. Albuquerque, NM.
SNL Mix Waste Landfill, Sandia Nat. Labs. Albuquerque, NM.
Kirtland AFB Bldg 596, KAFB, Albuquerque, NM.
Kirtland AFB, Battle Space Environmental Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM
Kirtland AFB Maxwell CDC, Gibson CDC, Youth Center Playgrounds Installation, Albuquerque, NM
& others
Completed Projects 2011/2013:
Larragoite Park, City of Santa Fe, NM
Frenchy’s Park, Santa Fe, NM.
SNL Mix Waste Landfill, Sandia Nat. Labs. Albuquerque, NM.
SNL Optimum Planting, Sandia Nat. Labs. Albuquerque, NM
City of Rio Rancho On Call Landscape contract, 4-year contract
Professional Employees Retirement Administration Bldg. Santa Fe NM.
Manzano High School Additions, Albuquerque, NM.
Belen Station, New Mexico Rail Runner Express Albuquerque Commuter Service.
Jefferson Bikeways, City of Albuquerque, NM.
Rio Rancho Civic Centre, Rio Ranch NM.
High Resort Blvd. City of Rio Rancho, NM.
Ridgecrest/Ridgeway Streets, City of Rio Rancho, NM.
Belen Library Renovations, Belen, NM.
General Mills Landscape Renovations, Albuquerque, NM.
Hester Hall Renovation, NM School of the Deaf, Santa Fe, NM.
RHS Amphitheater, Las Vegas, NM.
Additions to Lybrook Library, Jemez, NM.
Tesuque Elementary School, Tesuque, NM.
Cannon Air Force Base Main Gate and Billeting Bldg. Xeriscape conversion
NMDOT Hwy 333 &334, Moriarty, NM.
& others
The ownership of Sequoia Landscaping, Inc. is highly skilled and experienced with over 53 years of combined experience in the design-build landscape construction and grounds management business bidding projects from $50 thousand to $3 million. Our experience has included large and complex projects up to $2.1 million. We are very familiar with the bidding process for projects with The City of Albuquerque, Sandia National Laboratories, NM Air Force Bases, and State of New Mexico Municipalities along with the knowledge on the standard specifications, wages decisions, safety requirements, project scheduling and project value engineering.
Projects throughout the years
Alameda Drains Ph III

Paradise Hills Community Park

Joe Harris Elementary School

Rio Rancho Senior Center

Cottonwood Classical

St. Joseph's Church

Bridge Blvd Ph I

Marble Arno Pump Station

Railyard Streatscapes
Amphitheater, Las Vegas

Chama Homes

CAFB Community Playground

KAFB Accessible Community Park